Using Display Suite View Mode Switcher
Well, I happened to be looking at Display Suite Extras and found something I thought I might be able to use for a project I am working on. It creates a switc...

Instant E-Commerce with Magento: Build a Shop
Magento is a complex piece of software designed to do just about anything you might want to do with an online shopping cart. And while it is possible to cust...

Instant Magento Performance Optimization How-to
My first suggestion when installing Magento for a live site is get a big dedicated server or use Amazon so you can scale quickly and easily. I mean, you are ...

Mastering Magento - A Magento User's Manual
It takes a while after learning to develop with Magento to even consider picking up any random Magento job that comes along. I have learned that every site h...

Manually Activating Your ThinkUp App on PHPFog
What is ThinkUp? Thinkup is an open source social media dashboard. It makes it easy to sort and analyze items from your Twitter, Facebook and Google+ account...

Magento 1.4 Development Cookbook Review
Development in Magento I would have to say that I chose Magento in the first place because it would have a lot of the features we would need available withou...

Magento 1.3 Sales Tactics Cookbook Review
This is the third Magento book I have reviewed at this blog. The first book took a beginner through the basics of adding products to and running a Magento st...

A Review of Magento 1.3: PHP Developer's Guide
Let me guess. You’re an in-house ecommerce developer. About a year or so ago you heard about this slick ecommerce software called Magento. You’re skeptical b...

What's New with Magento
First, let me tell you that I will soon be receiving the Magento 1.3 PHP Developer’s Guide to review. Magento has an architecture link no other software. Hop...

Magento Beginner’s Guide
Image by Guido Jansen via Flickr

My Magento Bookmarks
Image by Guido Jansen via Flickr

Two Customers, One Billing Address - The osCommerce is a Mother Series
This is an issue with osCommerce, one that I have run into two or three times. It is possible for two customers to somehow get the same session id and whiche...

Deactivate Wordpress Plugins through PhpMyAdmin
I recently moved a Wordpress blog to a new domain. A domain that had access to the old database. So I figured, why not just move it. Wrong. My admin page tur...

Converting the Clickbank Marketplace xml to csv
Using the following xsl stylesheet and software like xmlpad, you can convert the Clickbank Marketplace xml into a tab delimited file. I choose tab delimited ...

Importing ShareASale Datafeeds into Drupal Part 2
Okay, there is an issue using Node Import to import ShareASale datafeeds.

Santa Fe Office Interiors - Running on Drupal
I am not saying it’s the best site that I have built and the css and layout still needs a little work, but it works great for now and it took very little tim...

Importing ShareASale Datafeeds into Drupal Part 1
I finally cracked this code. Well, almost. I still have to create a template for the new nodes. I still have to clean up the taxonomy a little. Hopefully, I ...

How to Get Pro Drupal Development from Apress for less than $12
I am talking about the ebook and not the print book, but if you’re attached you to your computer like me, than an ebook is worth more than a print book and s...

Installing PHP on Vista
I actually found the answer to this problem pretty quickly. The php installation software did not work for some reason on Windows Vista. The only thing I saw...

Installing Apache on Vista
This really sucked. No one gives the complete information anywhere, so I thought I would explain step by step what I went through to install Apache 2.2 on Ce...