SocialToo - Why Do People Follow You on Twitter?

SocialToo - Why Do People Follow You on Twitter?

I remember starting out with Twitter a few months ago. I had made fun of it up to that. Had no use for it. But then I read an interview of a blogger, can’t remember who know. And he said that joining Twitter was the best thing he ever did to promote his blog.

So I decided to give it a try. It took a while. The “What are you doing?” question is very deceptive. If all of your 140 character tweets answer this same question, you are missing out on some valuable uses: brain farts, things found online, blog post notices, pet peeves and the list goes on.

In a short time, I have gained a few followers. It is getting close to 800 now. Some days I would gain thirty. Some days one. And to tell you the truth, once I was in the hundreds, I don’t think there has been a day where I haven’t gained at least one new follower.

And this was all to introduce a tool that may help you find out how you gain your followers, SocialToo. In other words, to make those “30 new followers” days happen more often.

The site and the emails that it sends are pretty basic, but it does its job. You can choose the following options:

  • Automatically follow those that follow you.
  • Automatically unfollow those who unfollow you.
  • Get an email documenting those who followed and unfollowed you during the day and the last tweet you made.
  • Automatically direct message your new followers.

These are all set to yes by default. So if you join up, make sure you set everything up the way you want it. You may not want to automatically follow everyone or you may already use another service to direct message your new followers.

Here is an example email, mine, from yesterday:

Here is an example of the tweets I made right before I got new followers yesterday:

  • chungyen - last_tweet: Just saw an Adsense ad load in an Entrecard widget container. Not sure if it was my browser freaking out or someone hacking Entrecard.
  • doPayne - last_tweet: When your own site turns up as a link partner suggestion, it is a good sign.
  • J_T_Ray - last_tweet: Just saw an Adsense ad load in an Entrecard widget container. Not sure if it was my browser freaking out or someone hacking Entrecard.
  • lbhuzrbuuabuua - last_tweet: This is damn good pricing for keyword research:
  • LeroyJames - last_tweet: @symbiotics Thanks!
  • lifetimelearner - last_tweet: New directory of Google Friend Connect enabled sites:
  • seoptimise - last_tweet: @symbiotics Thanks!
  • stanleytang - last_tweet: New directory of Google Friend Connect enabled sites:
  • stuartlaing - last_tweet: Accidentally did a donut in the intersection
  • webvisio - last_tweet: This is damn good pricing for keyword research:

Stephan Miller

Written by

Kansas City Software Engineer and Author

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