I Will Be Exploring Freelancers

I Will Be Exploring Freelancers

It's time to shift my focus a little again, back to projects, code and campaigns. I am just this close to having the theme done for my other blog. And then I will using all the things I learned at this blog to get some visitors over at that one.

I have noticed when I do this, that the language I use in my blog posts change also. It becomes more matter of fact. I use less complex sentences.

For a few weeks now I haven't done much except blog. The weekends where I would normally get caught up on those things that move this business forward a little got filled with other things. I had to get my taxes and house refinance down and slack a little, of course.

So bear with me as my language may turn as black and white as the code I am looking at currently. It does that. And I have to deal with the language that comes with the hat I am wearing at the time.

But I am going to force myself to outsource. I will be finishing the theme customisations myself, but all I have a few plugins that I may either sell or use to promote the site. A few for this blog. A few for the other. I know this is a bottleneck, no matter how much I tell myself it isn't.

The theme I have to finish at this point because it would take just as long to explain what I want as to do the rest myself. But I know as soon as I get to a plugin, I will cruise along for a while, thinking "It would be stupid to outsource", and then I will hit a bug. One of those bugs that you look at for a hour and when you find it, you realize it was stupid to miss it for that long.

CSS does this to me for god's sake. PHP gets me beating my head against the wall every once and a while. I have never finished a project in the time I thought it would take. Right now, the control freak tells me I could. The control freak is stupid. He steers me into a lot of dead ends.

So that is my goal. Make a concerted effort to hire someone else for the job. I want to get closer to my final goal of just writing posts and visiting other blogs, slowing finding ways to make the time spent doing other things shorter. The plugins I have in mind will help with this and hiring someone to write them will help even more.

And if I find myself wavering a little, I will pick up The Four Hour Workweek and read a little further next weekend also.

And, of course, I will be writing posts about it. But if any of you have some pointers be sure to leave some comments. And I have already found a guy for graphics over at Funk13 that I would recommend.

Stephan Miller

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Kansas City Software Engineer and Author

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