How SERPS.com Stole My Idea for SEO Software and Gave Me Press Access to the Theft
I was actually writing code to integrate Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools when Google just added the ability to mash them together. Long before th...
Webalizer Unique Visitors Per Month
The most drastic change so far. I am also #89 on the top 100 Money Making Blogs and it seems within the last week or so my Google pagerank went up from 3 to 4.
Like I said, I haven't changed what I have been doing that much. In fact, if anything in the last couple of weeks, I haven't been as hard lined about getting a certain amount of comments in on other blogs and my other normal daily to do list items. I think I am seeing a cumulative effect. And that is what I like about doing anything online.
There seems to be this invisible barrier you have to break through before you get to the point where you actually feel the results you get are worth the time put in. When I build affiliate sites, it seems like this too. Get links to it. Write good pages. Get more links to it. No sales yet. Keep doing the same.
Then somewhere along the way, I see results. Shortly after that point, I started getting more results than I can explain from the time put in. And then finally it is almost automated.
Of course, the parallels with blogging stop at the automated part. About as close as I can get to that is dictating posts. But I like blogging. I think it has made all of my thoughts clearer and since I have started, my affiliate income has picked up too, even though I spend less time doing it. I think it just makes me more balanced.
Some more interesting things about this update if that for months, I have been beating the search engine hits with my social and commenting activities. In other words, I was getting more hits from referring sites than from actual search engines. No so any more. I can't beat it. My search engine hits are quickly increasing to the point that they will soon bypass everything I can do through comments and social networks. And that is a good thing. That is traffic I no longer have to hustle for.
And I guess that is about all. Most of the techniques I have used can be seen in other traffic updates.