How Vlad Got Sued for Free Speech

I hate big business. Just checked my Quantcast account. It tells me that no small businesses make their way here. No medium sized businesses made their way here. But 16 big businesses do come here often. Probably because I bitch about them. One in the listing I know I have bitched about, but you can go bite yourself Comcast.

I am not quite sure what I would do if one of these companies decided to sue me. Probably the main reason I hate big business or any business that has the money is that they can use that money to keep those without as much money quiet. It doesn’t matter if there is truth or facts involved. Once the lawyers are involved, it comes down to who can throw money at them the longest. The best I could do is walk through the door at the lawyer’s office and get a consulation.

So usually, in these cases, the business wins. I once dreamed that if I became rich, I would hide it somehow, start something, let the dogs come after me and then throw the bank at the lawyers waiting in the wings. It would be a fun little, “You thought so. Wrong!”. In my mind, I am really principle driven. I like to prove points.

Well, a friend of mine, Vlad, is having some issues. He is getting sued for saying something about ePerks on his blog. Vlad simply posted second hand information about ePerks and then received over a hundred comments backing up the information. From look of the comments, I would say if ePerks looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. And it’s a duck that sues when it get butt hurt.

And you can help Vlad defend himself at his site or below:

Support Vlad Zablotskyy’s Defense FundDefend your own right to free speech!

Stephan Miller

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Kansas City Software Engineer and Author

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